Sheila Gibson is an Operations Associate at WMS. Between family and work commitments, she loves to write, travel, and cook, not necessarily in that order, but those three are always in the mix. Sheila is originally from Mississippi but spent almost twenty years in beautiful Colorado, where she and her husband, Rob, raised their children. They moved from Colorado to Alaska in 2006 for a one-year empty-nest adventure. Fifteen years later, after a lengthy residence in Southeast Alaska, they’re transitioning to a part-time life in Kirkland, Washington, while keeping a footprint (at least for now) in Alaska. Sheila’s excited to be part of the WMS team and to use the experience she gained working with three very different organizations in Alaska in her new role with WMS. Sheila and Rob love to entertain and cook, and they have an open door policy: if you stop by to visit, you’re invited to dinner!