Meet Dawn

Provider Type

Location of Locum Assignment(s)
Montana and Alaska

Briefly describe your pre-medical and/or pre-locum work experience
10+ years in family practice at a tribal clinic in Northern Wisconsin as an NP before I began to do locum work.

What drew you to locum tenens work?
I wanted to try something different.

Why did you choose WMS?
WMS focuses on assignments in Alaska and Montana.

What have you enjoyed most about your locum tenens experiences?
All the people I’ve met. New friends. I have learned so much. I have had the opportunity to work in a variety of settings. The travel, and all I have seen.

What surprised you the most about your locum tenens experiences?
The generosity of so many of the people and communities I’ve worked with and their appreciation for my work. The variety of people I’ve met. I’ve met filmmakers, and a man who was once a White House chef. A nurse I worked with, whose husband is a pilot, arranged for me to go on a flight around Denali – for free. I’ve seen grizzly bears, moose, Alaska brown bears, caribou.

How has your experience been with WMS?
Wonderful. Working with WMS, I feel like I am part of a family. WMS staff are always friendly and very attentive.

What stands out to you about the communities and cultures you have interacted with as a locum tenens provider?
I have learned so much everywhere I go. I have had a variety of experiences from small community clinics in MT and AK, to working in school-based clinics on tribal reservations in MT, to working in small community hospitals, and working in native village clinics in remote locations in AK.

What advice do you have for prospective locum tenens providers?
Have an open mind and be ready for an adventure.

What’s the most interesting thing that you learned while on assignment?
To go with the flow. Things don’t always go as planned but things always work out.