Even though a business license is not required to practice medicine in Alaska, it is required to do business as a locum tenens independent contractor. For that reason, you will be required to obtain a business license before signing a rate sheet for your first WMS Assignment.
Most providers choose to set up a simple Assumed Business Name (sole proprietorship) for their contract work, but some create LLCs or register existing LLCs in Alaska as foreign entities. We suggest you discuss this decision with a Certified Public Accountant if you have questions about tax implications for business type.
Registering an Assumed Business Name (Sole Proprietorship)
- To setup a sole proprietorship, visit this website
- Your primary line of business should be “62-Health Care and Social Assistance”
- Your NAICS code should be 621999.
Registering an LLC or other Corporation
The first step to registering an LLC is choosing a registered agent. A registered agent is a person or a company that’s willing to receive legal paperwork on behalf of your company. Official paperwork could include tax forms, court documents, or paperwork that’s served during a lawsuit. The registered agent will also remind you of biannual reports which are due every two years. You can easily google a registered agent in Alaska, or use this partial list the Alaska Board of Medicine includes on their website.
WMS and many of our providers use the law firm Baxter Bruce & Sullivan as our registered agent. If you choose to use them, here are the steps, in order, to register your LLC in Alaska:
- Get a Registered Agent
- Call Stefanie Wolter at Baxter Bruce & Sullivan (907-789-3166). Let her know you’d like to register your LLC in Alaska and you’ll be using them as your registered agent.
- She will have you sign an engagement letter and pay their fee ($265 + tax). This is an annual fee. She’ll need to know the name of your LLC and who the members are. The engagement letter will be sent to the manager of the LLC. She will also run a conflict check to make sure it’s okay to work with the manager.
- Once these steps are completed, she will give your their entity number which you’ll need during the LLC’s application process (step 2).
- Register Your LLC in Alaska
- Click here to register your LLC online.
- NAICS code: 621999
- If you have any questions during the application process, we recommend consulting an accountant or attorney to ensure its filed correctly.
- Register For an Alaska Business License
- Once you’ve registered your LLC in step 2, you’ll be given an entity number. You can then register for a new Alaska business license here.
- Owner Type: Entity
- Entity #: the number given to you by Baxter Bruce & Sullivan
- Line of Business: 62 – Health Care and Social Assistance
- NAICS code: 621999
If you have an existing LLC that you would like to register in Alaska, you will create a new “Foreign” Entity by following this link. A Foreign Entity is any corporation that was founded outside the state of Alaska, but within the USA. You will still need a Registered Agent and the same NAICS code information as listed above if you register a foreign LLC.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is a business license required to contract with WMS?
Because our locum providers are practicing as independent contractors (not employees), it is necessary to secure a business license before being submitted for your first assignment with WMS. That business can be in the form of a sole proprietorship (owner-operated), LLC, or other corporation.
Which business structure is right for me?
There are many factors that go into the decision of which business structure to use, every person’s tax situation is different. Wilderness Medical Staffing will not offer legal or tax advice to providers, and we strongly recommend you meet with an accountant to discuss the tax implications of each business structure option. Our company does not have a preference or advice on which business structure you choose, as long as it’s registered in the state you are practicing medicine in.
How long does it take for my business license application to process?
A Sole Proprietorship (Assumed Business Name) is a simple online-application that will be granted instantly upon payment.
A corporate registration of any kind (LLC, S-Corp, etc.) may take longer to process, but should never take longer than a month.
When should I apply for my business license?
WMS does not require you to apply for your business license until you have already been fully onboarded and are being submitted for your first locum assignment. Providers are free to apply for business licenses anytime before that, and it may be advisable if you choose to register a corporation since that can take some time.
Do I need a business name?
Most providers simply set their business name up as their full name, with or without credentials. Ex: “John Doe” or “Jon Doe, FNP”
Of course, you can set up a business name with any title (as long as it’s legal). If you do set up a business name that is not your full name, please let our team know exactly what your DBA will be so we can reflect it on your contract.
How much does the business license cost per year?
When purchasing an Alaska Business License, you can choose to pay $50 for a 1-year license or $100 for a 2-year license. In both cases, the license will expire on the last day of that year (12/31).
An LLC is open in perpetuity, as long as you keep up on quarterly reports and all other requirements to maintain its active status.
Rediscover your love for medicine, and redefine what service means. Reset your expectations for what life can offer, and reinvigorate yourself in this beautiful country of ours. Wilderness Medical Staffing wants to put you on the path to life’s next chapter today.
Rediscover your love for medicine, and redefine what service means. Reset your expectations for what life can offer, and reinvigorate yourself in this beautiful country of ours. Wilderness Medical Staffing wants to put you on the path to life’s next chapter today.