Travel Emergency Contacts:
In the event of an after-hours travel emergency please contact, in order:
- The airline directly for any necessary changes to your itinerary. This will be the quickest, most efficient route.
- Corporate Travel Management at 800-622-6449 and give the calling code on your itinerary. Please note there is a $40 fee per call. Please only call once and stay on hold; if you hang up and call back, you will be put at the end of the hold line.
- Our Operations team at 509-215-1700, option 1. If we cannot answer, please leave a voicemail, and we’ll return your call within one hour.
- For true emergencies unrelated to travel, please call your Account Executive.
In the event you experience unexpected travel delays or find yourself stranded, you do not need approval from Operations to secure accommodations or rearrange travel plans. Please feel free to book a hotel or reschedule flights as necessary—even without assistance from our travel agency. We will ensure you receive proper reimbursement or support on the back end once your immediate needs are met.